Tuesday, May 4

Fighting for you: a strong voice in Westminster for Hinckley and Bosworth

On Thursday you have the chance to elect a new MP in Hinckley and Bosworth.

Through the campaign many local people have told me they want a new strong voice for their area in Westminster.

If elected I will make sure every community in the constituency is properly represented in Parliament and that as your MP I will always be on hand ready to fight on your behalf.

If I am elected as your next MP I will:
  • Live in the constituency, using the same public services as you and your family
  • Publish all my expenses and allowances every month
  • Invite a panel of local residents to independently audit my expenses and office accounts
  • Open a fully staffed office in the constituency including local offices in the community – making sure local people can always get the help they need from me
  • Hold regular advice surgeries across the constituency – I will always be ready to help local people: no problem will be too big or small for me as your MP

I will not be the sort of MP who disappears to Westminster never to be seen again, making day trips now and again to the constituency.
I will always be available and accessible as your MP.
I will be a strong voice on the local issues that matter.
I will be on your side, fighting for every community in Hinckley and Bosworth.

I hope you will consider supporting me on Thursday.

Vote Rory Palmer
Rory Palmer is number 4 on the ballot paper.
If you need any information about where to vote or if you would like a lift to the polls please call my campaign hotline: 0777 926 4589

A Strong MP for Bosworth: my first days in office

There are many local issues which need tackling across Hinckley and Bosworth.

This is why the area needs a strong MP ready to stand up for the community.

I will not be afraid to step on toes to get things done for this area.

I have a strong track record of getting results.

I offer real experience and real results.

If I am elected as your next MP on Thursday here are just some of the local issues I will be working on in my first days as your Member of Parliament:

  • Fighting against the Tory County Council cuts to local community centres including the Westfield Centre in Hinckley.
  • Fighting the Tory plans to sell off local care homes including Harvey House and the Limes.
  • Fighting the Tory County Council plans to axe the subsidy to the South Charnwood school bus service.
  • Working to make sure excessive housing plans are shelved and that more sensible options are developed by the Borough Council, especially for Earl Shilton, Barwell and Markfield.
  • I will hold my own public inquiry into the traveller site proposals across the constituency: working with local residents to make sure plans are sensible.
  • I will campaign for an Accident and Emergency at Hinckley hospital. I will raise this immediately with Health Service Ministers.
  • I will demand a formal review of the Conservative-controlled fire authority’s decision to cut firefighters from Hinckley, and will raise this ridiculous decision immediately with Government Ministers.
  • I will launch a campaign for a new leisure centre for Earl Shilton and Barwell.
  • I will meet immediately with the bosses at Leicestershire Police and call for an assurance that frontline policing in Hinckley and Bosworth will be maintained and that we see officers and PCSOs on the beat working with communities to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour.
  • I will meet with local businesses and agencies to make sure this area gets its fair share of support for enterprise to make sure the local economy recovers and we create new jobs for local people.
  • I will call a summit to discuss the future of our local community pubs.

Wednesday, April 28

Hustings Update 2

Rory will be appearing at a further election hustings this evening at 7:30pm (Wednesday 28 April).

The venue is the Council Chamber, Argents Mead, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.

Also appearing will be the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Science Party candidates.

Wednesday, April 21

Hustings Update

Hustings events coming up which Labour’s Rory Palmer will be taking part in alongside his election opponents:

Hilltop Radio live election question time and debate
Friday 23 April at 12:30pm
Listen live on Earl Shilton’s community radio station Hilltop Radio

Hinckley & District Churches Together and Earl Shilton & Barwell Churches Together 2010 General Election Hustings
Friday 23 April starting at 7:30pm
Venue: Salvation Army, Lancaster Road, Hinckley

Rory has already attended local hustings and election question time events including the National Farmer’s Union General Election Question Time which covered rural, agricultural and farming issues. A report of the event in the Leicester Mercury can be read here:


If you are planning to organise a hustings event, or if you belong to a local organisation and would like to invite Rory Palmer to meet with your group, please get in touch buy clicking here.

Monday, April 19

Rory joins Ed Balls to launch the Labour manifesto for Leicestershire and the East Midlands

Rory Palmer, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth, today joined Labour candidates from across Leicestershire to launch the party’s manifesto for the East Midlands.

Cabinet Minister Ed Balls officially unveiled the manifesto, which sets out Labour’s plans to secure the economic recovery and protect frontline investment in communities across Leicestershire.

Rory Palmer said:
“The choice is becoming ever more clear at this election. There is a choice between Labour’s plans to secure the recovery, protecting frontline investment in schools, Sure Start, the NHS and the police or Cameron’s Conservatives who will bring devastation to our communities putting thousands of jobs at risk.”

“Labour will put in the investment needed to drive the recovery, creating jobs for the future in new industries. This afternoon Ed Balls made clear the choice facing people in Leicestershire and the East Midlands: a future fair for all with Labour or a future for the privileged few with Cameron’s Conservatives.”

“The choice in Hinckley and Bosworth is clear. As the Labour MP for the area I will work to make sure the economic recovery is locked in and new investment and jobs come into the area. I will defend frontline services, just like we are doing now from the axe of the Conservative-controlled County Council. The results from the last four general elections show that it’s me as the Labour candidate with the strongest chance of beating Tory David Tredinnick in Hinckley and Bosworth.”

Hear Rory talking about the manifesto by clicking here.

Saturday, April 17

Glenis Willmott's inspiring visit to Hinckley and Bosworth

Labour’s top politician in Europe visited Hinckley recently to lend her support to general election candidate Rory Palmer.

Glenis Willmott, who is Labour’s MEP for the East Midlands and Leader of the European Parliamentary Labour Party, visited Rory’s Campaign Office on Castle Street to meet the local Labour campaign team.

Glenis is backing Rory Palmer: “Rory will be a first rate MP for Hinckley and Bosworth. He has a strong track record of getting results for the people he represents. Having worked with Rory for several years I know how committed he is and how genuine he is in speaking up for the community and in the causes he fights for.”

“Rory is part of Labour’s new generation, ready to take Britain forward, he will be a strong and dynamic voice for communities in Hinckley and Bosworth.”

Rory said: “I am delighted that Glenis was able to find time in her busy schedule to meet with my campaign team in Hinckley. Glenis does an excellent job for the East Midlands in the European Parliament, taking up issues of real importance to communities across the region.”

At the event local Labour Party members formally endorsed Rory as their candidate for the general election. Speeches were backing Rory’s campaign by Rupert Herd who contested the seat for Labour at the last general election in 2005 and by Andy Furlong who almost won the seat from the Tories in 1997 and went close again in 2001. Constituency Chairman Terry Gallagher also spoke at the meeting. Labour councillors Matthew Lay (Markfield) and John Bown (Earl Shilton) were also in attendance along with former county councillor and Earl Shilton stalwart Denis Bown.

Thursday, April 15

My broadcast challenge to other candidates in Hinckley and Bosworth

As British election history is made with the first televised Leader’s Debate, Rory Palmer has reiterated his debate challenge to his opponents in Hinckley and Bosworth.

Rory first challenged his Conservative and Liberal Democrat opponents to a live debate several months ago on local community radio. The three candidates shared a platform together for the first time at last week’s Farming Question Time at the Starr Inn in Shackerstone, which was organised by the NFU.

Rory Palmer is now looking forward to debating more important issues facing people and communities in Hinckley and Bosworth:

“I am looking forward to further debates with the other candidates. Last week’s NFU farming debate was very interesting and covered some really important issues facing the agricultural industry and rural communities.”

“It is several months since I first suggested a debate on local community radio with the Tory and Liberal Democrat candidates. It is a shame this has not been arranged yet. I am still prepared to do this and would relish any opportunity to debate with my opponents.”

Details of any hustings or question time events which Rory Palmer is due to attend will be posted on this site.

Tuesday, April 6

Statement from Rory Palmer on the formal announcement of the General Election

The race is on in Hinckley and Bosworth.

On the big choice in Hinckley and Bosworth Rory Palmer said:

“There is a big choice for people in Hinckley and Bosworth at this election. This area needs a break with the old; it needs a new political voice to be their champion in Westminster. I will be a strong voice for Hinckley and Bosworth.”

Labour has the best chance to beat the Tories here:

“Beyond all the rhetoric and all the leaflets the numbers are straightforward: it is Labour with the best chance to beat the Tories in Hinckley and Bosworth. The Liberal Democrats have trailed behind in third place at the last four general elections here, in 2005, 2001, 1997 and 1992.”

“If people want to oust the Conservative MP in Hinckley and Bosworth their best option is to back me. I will be a strong voice for every community in every corner of the constituency. This is the best chance for many years for the people of Hinckley and Bosworth to vote in a new MP. Previous results show Labour has the strongest chance to beat the Tories here.”

Rory Palmer has made clear his priorities for Hinckley and Bosworth:

“It is vital we secure the economic recovery. The Tories will put it at risk with the danger of tumbling back into recession. As the MP I will work to secure the recovery locally, working to bring in new investment to create new jobs for local people. Frontline services are safest with Labour. I will defend vital services like Sure Start, schools and the NHS, improving these services even more will always be a top priority for me.”

“I will speak up for ordinary people and make sure they have a strong voice. I will speak up for older people, defending the Winter Fuel Payment and free off-peak bus passes. I will make sure working families get the help they need through tax credits as well as help for people buying their first home. Tackling anti-social behaviour will be a major priority, making sure the decent law-abiding majority can live safely in their community.”

The Tory threat in Hinckley and Bosworth:

“Proposed cuts to the Westfield Centre in Hinckley, the planned sell off of care homes and the plan to axe the school bus service from Markfield to South Charnwood High School are a taster of what a Cameron government would be like. The Tories at County Hall in Leicestershire have shown us clearly why a Conservative government would be a disaster for communities in Hinckley and Bosworth.”

On the need for a new politics:

“Now more than ever people want a change from the old politics. I have always been committed to changing politics for the better. As an MP I will:

  • Publish my expenses in full every month and invite a panel of local residents to audit them;
  • Open a local office to serve local people, open six days a week;
  • Hold a surgery every week covering all parts of the constituency and I will live in the constituency.

"This election is the best chance for many years for people in Hinckley and Bosworth to elect a new voice for the area in Westminster. I will be a strong voice for the area locally and in Parliament.”

Saturday, March 27

Our pledges

Bosworth candidate Rory Palmer joined Gordon Brown at today’s launch of Labour’s key five election pledges.

Labour’s pledges to the people of Britain are:

• Secure the recovery
• Protect frontline investment

• Strengthen fairness in communities

• Raise family living standards

• Build a high tech economy

Along with Labour candidates from across the East Midlands, Rory was mentioned by Gordon Brown in a special introduction to his speech, setting out that it’s Labour representatives who will deliver for communities and who will lead the way in changing politics.

Rory with fellow Labour candidates Ross Willmott (North West
Leicestershire) and Liz Kendall (Leicester West) launching Labour's
pledge card for the election.

Speaking after the event in Nottingham, Rory Palmer said:

“Our five pledges are about making sure we keep Britain on track into economic recovery and that fairness is our driving force. We will protect vital frontline services like the police, schools, childcare and the NHS because we understand how important these services are to ordinary families across Hinckley and Bosworth.”

“There is a clear choice at this election between Cameron’s Tories who will bring in deep, savage and immediate cuts that would devastate services and wreck the recovery, or the Labour Party who will secure the recovery, protect frontline investment and raise family living standards.”

“On the doorsteps of Hinckley, Earl Shilton, Barwell and Markfield, and right across the constituency, people tell me they want public services protected and communities built on fairness. Labour is the only party offering a real solution and an ambitious vision for Britain. The Tories are a choice Bosworth can’t afford.”

For the full text of Gordon Brown’s speech see the Labour Party website:

Wednesday, March 24

Budget 2010: solid foundation for recovery based on growth and fairness

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth has welcomed Alistair Darling’s Budget Statement. Rory Palmer has described this year’s Budget as “setting a solid foundation for a recovery based on growth and fairness.”

The Budget sets out more help for families and businesses, building on the support put in place by the Labour Government to help people and businesses through the recession:

  • Spending will go up in 2010/11 and will not be cut to lock in the recovery
  • Businesses will be given longer to pay their tax bills
  • On jobs the Young Person’s Guarantee will be extended, to ensure that young people are guaranteed a job, training or work experience if they cannot find work within six months
  • Extra funding for investment in our transport infrastructure including new money for road repairs for those roads damaged in the recent cold weather
  • To help families and young people there will be a two year Stamp Duty holiday for first-time buyers on homes worth up to £250,000
  • From April 2010 there will be extra £100 payments into the Child Trust Fund for disabled children and £200 for severely disabled children
  • There will be a 2.5% increase in the Basic State Pension from April 2010, benefiting over 12 million pensioners across the country

Rory Palmer said:
“The Budget clearly sets out that families and businesses in Hinckley and Bosworth will have a fairer future with Labour. The Budget is about setting a solid foundation for recovery based on growth and fairness.”

“Jobs are crucial to the recovery and it would be a disaster to slam on the breaks and make massive cuts in public spending as proposed by the Conservatives. Labour will continue leading Britain into recovery, with a sensible plan to halve the deficit and to protect frontline services. The Conservatives will put this recovery at risk.”

“It is vital that frontline services are protected. Lifeline services like the NHS are vital and that’s why with Labour the frontline NHS budget will increase in line with inflation in 2011/12 and 2012/13. Frontline spending in schools will go up in real terms and spending on Sure Start will be maintained in line with inflation. These things matter to families I speak to across the constituency and I will always argue to protect investment in them.”

“Dignity and protection in old age has always been a priority for me. As your MP I will always speak up for the rights of pensioners and that’s why I am pleased to see the continuation of the extra payments on top of the Winter Fuel Payment. These payments are worth £100 to households with someone over-80, and £50 to households with someone over the female State Pension age. This money makes a real difference and Labour will always help our pensioners.”

“I am looking forward to discussing the Budget and what it means to local families and businesses in the coming days and weeks. I believe this Budget sets out a clear and bold plan for Britain’s economic recovery. The Conservatives are a real risk to this recovery, as we saw in the recession they oppose real government action to create jobs and drive growth.”

If you would like to ask Rory a question about this year's Budget or discuss with him how it will effect your family or business then please get in touch by e-mailing budget2010@rorypalmer.org.

For further information about the Budget see:

Sunday, March 21

My letter to the future

A Leicestershire Parliamentary Candidate has joined a campaign to protect our natural world by signing the Letter to the Future. Rory Palmer, Labour’s challenger in Bosworth, is supporting the campaign led by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

The letter calls for better investment in nature by politicians, urging them to consider our natural as well as our financial future when making decisions about how to tackle the country’s economic challenge.

The RPSB aims to gain tens of thousands of signatures to the letter before the next general election, showing the government that people care about nature as well as the economy and want to see it protected for the benefit of future generations.

A host of famous faces have already put pen to paper including Philppa Forrester, Bill Bryson and Mariella Frostrup. Rory Palmer has joined them, signing the letter to show his support for this important campaign.

Rory Palmer said:

“I am supporting the RSPB’s campaign because I want our children and grandchildren to be able to grow up in a world where they can appreciate tigers and sparrows, tropical rainforests and bluebell woods, a world worth living in.”

“As politicians we must all accept our responsibility to protect the natural world and safeguard it for future generations. Through effective policy-making we can stem the extinction of endangered species and protect vulnerable natural habitats. Locally in Bosworth we have some wonderful habitats and natural settings including Thornton Resevoir, Ambion Woods, Bosworth Battlefield and the Ashby Canal. These must be protected and as the local MP I will work to protect and enhance them.”

The RSPB’s Head of Sustainable Development, Martin Harper, added:

“The government faces tough economic decisions but these mustn’t be taken at the expense of the environment. We are calling on the government to recognise this and ensure future generations will be able to appreciate the natural world as we do. It’s vital that politicians support us in this campaign and we are very grateful to Rory Palmer for lending his support.”

Tuesday, March 16

Doing My Bit

Photo Credit- PhotoshotRory Palmer, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth, has pledged to do his bit for the British Armed Forces family.

Rory Palmer has signed the pledge which can be found on the Royal British Legion’s website: www.timetodoyourbit.org.uk

The website features the British Legion’s general election manifesto, which sets out priorities for the next Government to improve conditions for Service Personnel and their families, the bereaved, veterans dependants.

Kevin Shinkwin, the Legion’s Head of Public Affairs, said:

“We’re really grateful to Rory Palmer for pledging to do his bit. The entire Armed Forces family needs the support of politicians from all parties, and our manifesto outlines practical ways the next government can help.”

Rory Palmer said:

“The Royal British Legion do a really important job and play a crucial role in highlighting the needs of the Armed Forces family. I have pledged to do my bit and I am pleased to be supporting the Legion’s campaign. I would encourage everyone to visit the website at www.timetodoyourbit.org.uk

Photo credit: Photoshot

Thursday, March 11

Everyone can play their part to combat climate change

Rory Palmer, Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth is backing the 10:10 carbon reduction campaign.

The 10:10 campaign encourages people and organisations to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. As world leaders gather at the United Nations in New York to discuss the global fight against climate change, Rory Palmer is urging local people and businesses to play their part.

After signing up to the 10:10 campaign Rory Palmer said:

“Climate change is the most important and pressing global issue. Without reaching a new international settlement on carbon emissions we will struggle to achieve real justice for the worlds poor. We need to see decisive and courageous leadership from the world’s political leaders. I am pleased that Gordon Brown is the first leader to confirm that he will go to the Copenhagen summit in December to work on a new global climate change treaty.”

“However, tackling climate change demands action from us all in our everyday lives. Everyone can play their part. That’s why I am backing the 10:10 campaign and I would encourage people and organisations across Hinckley and Bosworth to sign up as well including the Borough Council and our parish councils, schools and businesses.”

The 10:10 campaign website is at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/10-10

Wednesday, March 10

No Smoking Day in Hinckley and Bosworth

No Smoking Day (10 March) is encouraging smokers in Bosworth to break free and kick the habit. In its 27th year, No Smoking Day is encouraging smokers to quit smoking, save thousands of pounds and take the opportunity to find out about help and support available.

Local parliamentary candidate Rory Palmer is supporting this year’s No Smoking Day campaign. Thousands of No Smoking Day events are taking place all over the UK. There will be customised Double-Decker Buses, ashtray amnesties, interactive stalls, dance displays and world record attempts. And many sports activities including local football clubs are getting involved. Stop smoking services, fire and rescue services, local councils, supermarkets, and many more are out and about to help and support smokers who are ready to break free!

Rory Palmer, Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth said:

“No Smoking Day is a fantastic campaign to help and support smokers who want to stop smoking. I’m encouraging smokers in Bosworth to break free on No Smoking Day and give up cigarettes for good. I would urge people to visit local stop smoking services for help and advice on how to stop smoking and increase your chances of success by up to four times.”

Duncan Bannatyne, No Smoking Day President, entrepreneur and Dragons’ Den star said:

“Quitting smoking isn’t always easy. Most of the nine million UK smokers say they’d like to quit, and many have tried to stop several times over the last year.

“If you’ve tried and failed a few times, it’s easy to give up hope. But you’ll find few ex-smokers that quit the habit on their first attempt. So pick yourself up, dust yourself down and believe that this time you really can do it!”

For more information about stopping smoking go to www.nosmokingday.org.uk

Friday, February 26

We need the Westfield Community Centre!

Proposed funding cuts to Hinckley’s Westfield Community Centre were condemned at a packed public meeting on Thursday, 25 February.

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth Rory Palmer was one of the speakers at the public meeting. The meeting was held at the Centre which faces devastating cuts following proposals agreed in the Conservative-controlled County Council Budget. Other speakers included representatives from Unison and the Liberal Democrats. Bosworth’s Conservative MP was not present, sending apologies.

In the Budget backed by Leicestershire’s ruling Conservative group, it was agreed that around £140,000 be slashed from the Westfield’s Centre budget. Budget proposals were also backed by the Tories to sell off care homes including The Lime’s in Hinckley and Harvey House in Barwell.

Labour’s Rory Palmer is campaigning against these cuts and is backing other local campaigners including the Hinckley Pensioners Action Group and the Save our Services coalition. He has also called for a cross-party delegation to meet with the Leader of the County Council to discuss the impact of the cuts and to argue for their reversal.

Rory Palmer said:

“These cuts will be devastating for the Westfield Centre. The Centre has a strong history of helping thousands of local people. At the public meeting I called for a cross-party delegation to meet with the Leader of the County Council to argue for the reversal of these cuts.”

“Cuts like this by a Tory County Council are a taster of what a Cameron Government would be like. The Leader of the County Council is reported to be advising the Conservative’s at a national level on their local government policy. It is crucial that everyone works together to oppose these cuts in Hinckley and across Leicestershire.”

Wednesday, February 24

Supporting local pubs and communities

A Leicestershire parliamentary candidate has signed up to a national charter to back the pub and beer industries. Labour’s Rory Palmer is backing the CAMRA’s Beer Drinkers and Pub Goers Charter which calls on MPs and parliamentary candidates to pledge their support for local pubs.

CAMRA’s charter calls on candidates to sign up to five key pledges:

1) Promote the interests of Britain’s pub goers

2) Champion well-run community pubs

3) Rebalance alcohol taxation to support beer and pubs

4) Reform the beer tie to deliver a fair deal for consumers

5) Support the role of well-run pubs as solutions to alcohol misuse

Signing the Charter Rory Palmer said:

“Well run local pubs are a key part of community life, especially in Leicestershire’s villages. There are many welcoming pubs across the Bosworth constituency, each with its own unique character. There is also a fine tradition of ale brewing in Leicestershire. I am backing CAMRA’s charter and will always defend the finest traditions of our local pubs and brewing industry. If I am elected as Bosworth’s next MP I will immediately call a local pubs summit to discuss with publicans, breweries and others how to safeguard the future of our local pubs.”

“Locally, CAMRA are an excellent campaigning organisation. Last year’s CAMRA Hinckley Beer Festival was an excellent community event and I am looking forward to this year’s festival.”

Saturday, February 20

Help me win 2010's Battle of Bosworth!

As Gordon Brown got to his feet to set out Labour’s new campaign slogan, Bosworth’s Labour Parliamentary Candidate Rory Palmer was out with his campaign team taking the message straight to the doorstep.

Rory and his campaign team were out knocking on doors in Hinckley, which is just down the road from Warwick University where the Prime Minister launched Labour’s Fairness for All pledges.

Gordon Brown set out four key themes for the General Election campaign.

Labour will:

  • Secure the recovery, not put it at risk
  • Protect frontline services, not cut them
  • Stand up for the many, not the few
  • Invest in new industries and future jobs

And today saw Rory Palmer launch his latest campaign leaflet, ‘The choice for Bosworth’. In the leaflet Rory sets out his priorities for Bosworth and urges Liberal Democrat voters not to let David Cameron into Downing Street.

Rory Palmer said:

“Speaking to voters on the doorstep today it is clear that people recognise that it was Gordon Brown’s decisions and action that has got us into economic recovery so quickly. Action to save the banks and keep the economy going was crucial. We must now build on this by securing the recovery and not putting it at risk which the Tories would do.”

“It is also essential we protect frontline services like the NHS, education investment and Sure Start. Here in Leicestershire, the Conservative-controlled County Council tells us all we need to know about what a future Tory government would be like, with their proposals for sweeping cuts including their plans to sell off care homes.”

“Labour is the party for the mainstream majority, for ordinary families and people who want to get on in life, who want a positive future for their children. Our plans are for the many and not the privileged few. Labour’s plans are about fairness for all.”

“In Bosworth it is Labour with the best chance to beat the current Tory MP. Labour has come second here in the last four general elections, in 2005, 2001, 1997 and 1992. The Liberal Democrats have trailed behind in third place. Supporting the Liberal Democrats in Bosworth just makes it easier for the Tories to win here and to get into Downing Street. If you want to back a progressive party and the progressive candidate with the best chance of beating the Tories here, then back me as Labour’s candidate. I will be a strong voice for Bosworth.”

If you would like to share your views or show your support then click here to contact him. If you want to help Rory win in Bosworth then click here.

Tuesday, February 16

Get Serious about diabetes!

Rory Palmer, Labour's parliamentary candidate for Bosworth has given his support to a campaign to raise awareness of diabetes.

The Diabetes UK ‘Get Serious’ campaign calls on MPs and parliamentary candidates to make diabetes a priority in their constituencies.

It is estimated that around 3900 people in the Bosworth constituency have diabetes. It is one of the biggest health challenges facing the country today and it is projected that by 2025 over 4 million people will have diabetes.

Diabetes UK has set out a number of priorities for the next Parliament including earlier detection of diabetes; better support for children with diabetes; more support for people managing the condition through self-management; improved emergency care; improved care for older people with diabetes; and more investment in diabetes research.

Rory Palmer said:

“With record investment in the NHS over recent years diabetes care has improved greatly. However, we should always be looking to do more and that’s why I am supporting Diabetes UK’s Get Serious campaign. Diabetes effects thousands of families in the area and projections show this will increase in future years. We need excellent health services to meet this need and to be providing the best possible care and support for people with diabetes.”

“If I am elected at the general election I will be meeting with Diabetes UK to make sure local health trusts are providing the best possible services and to raise awareness of diabetes in the constituency.”

Monday, February 15

Bosworth candidate appears on national radio phone-in

Rory Palmer, Labour’s challenger in the Bosworth constituency, was a guest panellist on BBC Radio 5 Live’s Up All Night political phone-in on Friday 12 February. The show, which is presented by Dotun Adebayo, gives listeners the chance to quiz candidates from each of the three main parties on the issues of the day.

On the show Rory was up against Tory candidate for Camborne and Redruth and former David Cameron advisor George Eustice, and the Liberal Democrat candidate for Hammersmith in London, Merlene Emerson. Rory was able to speak up for the people of Bosworth and Hinckley and discuss national and issues.

Speaking after the show Rory Palmer said:

“It was good to be able to respond to Five Live listeners and to debate the big issues of the day with George and Merlene. We had the chance to debate issues including Europe, MP’s expenses, how to deal with terror suspects and the NHS. As we work to change politics in the country we need to see more good and honest debate between the parties and their candidates and Friday’s show was an example of that.”

Sunday, February 14

Standing up for a traditional election night

Labour’s challenger in Bosworth for the General Election is appealing for local officials to reconsider their decision and to save the traditional election night count.

Despite a vote in the House of Commons and widespread cross-party support across the country for traditional election night counts officials at Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council appear to be sticking to their plan of starting the constituency’s election count on the morning after polling day.

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate Rory Palmer said:

“I think all candidates and our campaign teams understand the importance of accurate counting and the need to comply with important requirements to ensure ballot security. However, there can be no denying that the drama and excitement of election night is a much valued British tradition.”

“I am appealing for the local officials in Hinckley and Bosworth to reconsider and to plan a traditional election night count.”

Labour’s Rory Palmer has first hand experience of the frustration of having to wait until the day after polls had closed for the count to begin and result to be declared:

“When I was elected as a councillor the count was done on the Friday after voting had ended on the Thursday, whilst I was of course delighted to have won the drama and excitement was not the same as a traditional election night.”

Supporting Kinship Carers

Rory Palmer, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth, is supporting a local action group calling for more support for Kinship Carers.

Rory Palmer met recently with Sandy Chamberlain who is organising a support group for kinship carers in the Hinckley area. Kinship carers provide care for family members, often children and young people, without the financial and practical support available to foster carers.

A petition has been set up on the Downing Street website calling for more support and Rory Palmer has given his backing to the petition campaign.

It is estimated that there are around 200,000 young people being cared for by family members, known as kinship carers.

Rory Palmer said:

“It is essential more support is made available for kinship carers, which should be on a parity with the support available for foster carers. I want to see fairer financial support but also more practical support through local councils and other agencies.”

“Kinship carers do an invaluable job, without them many young people would not have the chance to be brought up and cared for in a family home. After meeting Sandy Chamberlain in Hinckley I am convinced of the need for more support for kinship carers and that’s why I am backing the Downing Street petition.”

“I am looking forward to working with Sandy and her colleagues to raise awareness of this campaign and get better recognition locally and nationally of the work kinship carers do.”

Local kinship carer and campaigner Sandy Chamberlain from Hinckley said:

“There are over 200,000 people like me in the country, we are called Kinship Carers, we do the same job as Foster Carers but because it is for a family member we do not get treated the same, in fact Kinship Carers are not even treated equally from County to County. I was so frustrated at not being able to talk to other people in my position that I set up Hinckley ROCKS, a support group specifically for Kinship Carers.”

“I am at present involved in raising the profile of Kinship Caring, nationwide. I am grateful to Rory for his support and for getting involved and helping me to raise awareness of our online petition and our plight in general, and for his support for Hinckley ROCKS.”

Friday, February 12

Shout Out for Sure Start!

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth, Rory Palmer, has given his backing to a national campaign celebrating the success of Sure Start.

The Shout Out for a Sure Start campaign was launched this week and sets out a pledge to defend Sure Start and to recognise the difference it has made to thousands of children across the country. The campaign is backed by trade union Unison and charity 4children. Celebrities including former Mum of the Year Melinda Messenger and children’s TV character Peppa Pig are also supporting the campaign.

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth signed the Shout Out for a Sure Start pledge this week and announced it on his twitter webpage.

The pledge states that:

I pledge to shout out for a sure start for children in my community by spreading the word about the great work of Children’s Centres.

After signing up his support for the campaign Rory Palmer said:

“I have seen first hand the excellent work done at Sure Start Children’s Centres. The Sure Start approach has fundamentally changed how we see early years care and support for children and parents. I want to see many more generations of children benefit from Sure Start and that’s why I am pledging to defend Sure Start and to spread the word in the community about the truly excellent work done at our Children’s Centres.”

“Sure Start has made a real difference to families across Hinckley and Bosworth and with a new Sure Start on the way in Bagworth we will see even more families benefiting. Labour is committed to Sure Start and we will deliver a Sure Start facility in every community.”

Monday, January 18

My pledge to protect wildlife habitats

Rory Palmer, Labour’s candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth, has signed the pledge to help stop and reverse the decline in wildlife.

The pledge has been issued by wildlife organisations including the RSPB, the Woodland Trust, The Wildlife Trusts and the Butterfly Conservation Society.

Signing the pledge Rory Palmer said:
“Our wildlife habitats are very valuable and need to be protected for future generations. I will do all I can to protect them and enhance our natural habitats. It is also my view that we need to do more to raise awareness of these issues and to make sure young people and children can access natural habitats and see Britain’s wonderful wildlife.”

“There are some very important natural wildlife habitats in the Bosworth constituency such as Bosworth Country Park, the Ashby Canal and Thornton Reservoir. In the wider area we have Bradgate Park and the National Forest. These are all excellent local wildlife habitats which, if elected, I will do all I can to protect and improve.”

The full text of the Wildlife Pledge 2010 is below:

I pledge that if I am elected, I will do all I can to help stop and reverse the decline in wildlife.
I will work at all levels to encourage action to:

1. Return colour, life and vitality to the countryside by conserving threatened animals and plants, and restoring their habitats

2. Enable more people to enjoy wildlife close to where they live, and provide all children with contact with the natural world as part of their formal education

3. Reverse the decline of farmland wildlife by the effective promotion of nature-friendly farming

4. Increase the extent and active management of native woodlands for wildlife

5. Conserve and protect wildlife in our wetlands, around our coastline and in our seas

6. Tackle climate change, and restore and manage natural landscapes to help wildlife meet this challenge

7. Establish and provide strong protection for a robust network of important wildlife sites on land and at sea

8. Include space for wildlife in all newly built developments

9. Reduce our damaging impacts overseas by working to end the destruction of tropical rainforests and protecting the wildlife of the UK Overseas Territories
10. Stamp out wildlife crime in the UK.

If you would like to contact Rory about his commitment to wildlife habitats in the UK and to share your views, please click here.