Tuesday, April 6

Statement from Rory Palmer on the formal announcement of the General Election

The race is on in Hinckley and Bosworth.

On the big choice in Hinckley and Bosworth Rory Palmer said:

“There is a big choice for people in Hinckley and Bosworth at this election. This area needs a break with the old; it needs a new political voice to be their champion in Westminster. I will be a strong voice for Hinckley and Bosworth.”

Labour has the best chance to beat the Tories here:

“Beyond all the rhetoric and all the leaflets the numbers are straightforward: it is Labour with the best chance to beat the Tories in Hinckley and Bosworth. The Liberal Democrats have trailed behind in third place at the last four general elections here, in 2005, 2001, 1997 and 1992.”

“If people want to oust the Conservative MP in Hinckley and Bosworth their best option is to back me. I will be a strong voice for every community in every corner of the constituency. This is the best chance for many years for the people of Hinckley and Bosworth to vote in a new MP. Previous results show Labour has the strongest chance to beat the Tories here.”

Rory Palmer has made clear his priorities for Hinckley and Bosworth:

“It is vital we secure the economic recovery. The Tories will put it at risk with the danger of tumbling back into recession. As the MP I will work to secure the recovery locally, working to bring in new investment to create new jobs for local people. Frontline services are safest with Labour. I will defend vital services like Sure Start, schools and the NHS, improving these services even more will always be a top priority for me.”

“I will speak up for ordinary people and make sure they have a strong voice. I will speak up for older people, defending the Winter Fuel Payment and free off-peak bus passes. I will make sure working families get the help they need through tax credits as well as help for people buying their first home. Tackling anti-social behaviour will be a major priority, making sure the decent law-abiding majority can live safely in their community.”

The Tory threat in Hinckley and Bosworth:

“Proposed cuts to the Westfield Centre in Hinckley, the planned sell off of care homes and the plan to axe the school bus service from Markfield to South Charnwood High School are a taster of what a Cameron government would be like. The Tories at County Hall in Leicestershire have shown us clearly why a Conservative government would be a disaster for communities in Hinckley and Bosworth.”

On the need for a new politics:

“Now more than ever people want a change from the old politics. I have always been committed to changing politics for the better. As an MP I will:

  • Publish my expenses in full every month and invite a panel of local residents to audit them;
  • Open a local office to serve local people, open six days a week;
  • Hold a surgery every week covering all parts of the constituency and I will live in the constituency.

"This election is the best chance for many years for people in Hinckley and Bosworth to elect a new voice for the area in Westminster. I will be a strong voice for the area locally and in Parliament.”

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