Wednesday, February 24

Supporting local pubs and communities

A Leicestershire parliamentary candidate has signed up to a national charter to back the pub and beer industries. Labour’s Rory Palmer is backing the CAMRA’s Beer Drinkers and Pub Goers Charter which calls on MPs and parliamentary candidates to pledge their support for local pubs.

CAMRA’s charter calls on candidates to sign up to five key pledges:

1) Promote the interests of Britain’s pub goers

2) Champion well-run community pubs

3) Rebalance alcohol taxation to support beer and pubs

4) Reform the beer tie to deliver a fair deal for consumers

5) Support the role of well-run pubs as solutions to alcohol misuse

Signing the Charter Rory Palmer said:

“Well run local pubs are a key part of community life, especially in Leicestershire’s villages. There are many welcoming pubs across the Bosworth constituency, each with its own unique character. There is also a fine tradition of ale brewing in Leicestershire. I am backing CAMRA’s charter and will always defend the finest traditions of our local pubs and brewing industry. If I am elected as Bosworth’s next MP I will immediately call a local pubs summit to discuss with publicans, breweries and others how to safeguard the future of our local pubs.”

“Locally, CAMRA are an excellent campaigning organisation. Last year’s CAMRA Hinckley Beer Festival was an excellent community event and I am looking forward to this year’s festival.”

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