Saturday, February 20

Help me win 2010's Battle of Bosworth!

As Gordon Brown got to his feet to set out Labour’s new campaign slogan, Bosworth’s Labour Parliamentary Candidate Rory Palmer was out with his campaign team taking the message straight to the doorstep.

Rory and his campaign team were out knocking on doors in Hinckley, which is just down the road from Warwick University where the Prime Minister launched Labour’s Fairness for All pledges.

Gordon Brown set out four key themes for the General Election campaign.

Labour will:

  • Secure the recovery, not put it at risk
  • Protect frontline services, not cut them
  • Stand up for the many, not the few
  • Invest in new industries and future jobs

And today saw Rory Palmer launch his latest campaign leaflet, ‘The choice for Bosworth’. In the leaflet Rory sets out his priorities for Bosworth and urges Liberal Democrat voters not to let David Cameron into Downing Street.

Rory Palmer said:

“Speaking to voters on the doorstep today it is clear that people recognise that it was Gordon Brown’s decisions and action that has got us into economic recovery so quickly. Action to save the banks and keep the economy going was crucial. We must now build on this by securing the recovery and not putting it at risk which the Tories would do.”

“It is also essential we protect frontline services like the NHS, education investment and Sure Start. Here in Leicestershire, the Conservative-controlled County Council tells us all we need to know about what a future Tory government would be like, with their proposals for sweeping cuts including their plans to sell off care homes.”

“Labour is the party for the mainstream majority, for ordinary families and people who want to get on in life, who want a positive future for their children. Our plans are for the many and not the privileged few. Labour’s plans are about fairness for all.”

“In Bosworth it is Labour with the best chance to beat the current Tory MP. Labour has come second here in the last four general elections, in 2005, 2001, 1997 and 1992. The Liberal Democrats have trailed behind in third place. Supporting the Liberal Democrats in Bosworth just makes it easier for the Tories to win here and to get into Downing Street. If you want to back a progressive party and the progressive candidate with the best chance of beating the Tories here, then back me as Labour’s candidate. I will be a strong voice for Bosworth.”

If you would like to share your views or show your support then click here to contact him. If you want to help Rory win in Bosworth then click here.

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