About Rory

About Rory Palmer

Rory Palmer has the experience, ideas and commitment to be an effective MP for Bosworth.

The area needs a strong voice in Westminster and someone who will get things done locally: if you elect Rory as your next MP he will put Bosworth first.

Winning for local people

As a councillor Rory has a strong track record of getting results for the people he represents. He has taken forward hundreds of individual cases for local residents and has won many victories for people on important issues like housing problems.

Defending services and driving change
As a local campaigner Rory has successfully defended local services and won new investment for the area he represents. He led the campaign to save a vital local bus service from the axe and has won new investment for a childrens play park and the local community centre.

As a member of the Council’s Cabinet Rory is responsible for driving forward important changes in social care, including bringing in more choice and power for people using social care services. Rory also leads on the Council’s work to increase awareness of safeguarding vulnerable adults, and has introduced a new cross-party panel of councillors to oversee this work.

Leicester Mercury Faces of 2010
Campaigning for rights and justice
As a member of Community, Rory is an active trade union member and campaigner. Through his career Rory has worked and campaigned with all the major trade unions and with many small specialist unions. Rory is a member of the executive committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions and in 2006 was awarded a national award by the TUC for his work to involve more young people in trade unions.

Real and relevant experience
Having worked for two Members of Parliament Rory knows Westminster well and has firsthand experience of working with MPs to drive local change. Rory steered a major campaign to defend the Winter Fuel Payment which saw a petition presented at 10 Downing Street and questions in the House of Commons.

He also led local campaigns to tackle anti-social behaviour, writing a citizens guide to the law, and organised a residential summer school on citizenship for forty school students.

Encouraging young people to take an interest in politics and local issues has long been one of Rory’s priorities. He is a governor at a sixth form college and has previously served as a school governor.

In 2008 Rory travelled to Colorado to volunteer on Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign.

Rory has worked with Government Ministers, MPs, local councillors and senior public officials. He knows how to get results for the people and communities he represents.

Rory was part of the team behind the hugely successful 2009 Special Olympics National Summer Games in Leicester.  He was also asked by the Council Leader to take forward Leicester’s strategy for the 2012 Olympics.

Rory with Ross Willmott, Labour's parliamentary candidate for North West Leicestershire, and
Peter Soulsby MP at the closing party in Abbey Park for the hugely successful 2009 Special Olympics

Rory has previously worked for a leading policy think tank, researching policy on social exclusion and transport. He graduated from York University with a degree in Social Policy.

Rory is also a member of the Co-op Party, the Fabian Society, Progress and SERA (Labour’s environmental campaign).

If you require further information or a high resolution photograph for publication please e-mail mail@rorypalmer.org