Saturday, March 27

Our pledges

Bosworth candidate Rory Palmer joined Gordon Brown at today’s launch of Labour’s key five election pledges.

Labour’s pledges to the people of Britain are:

• Secure the recovery
• Protect frontline investment

• Strengthen fairness in communities

• Raise family living standards

• Build a high tech economy

Along with Labour candidates from across the East Midlands, Rory was mentioned by Gordon Brown in a special introduction to his speech, setting out that it’s Labour representatives who will deliver for communities and who will lead the way in changing politics.

Rory with fellow Labour candidates Ross Willmott (North West
Leicestershire) and Liz Kendall (Leicester West) launching Labour's
pledge card for the election.

Speaking after the event in Nottingham, Rory Palmer said:

“Our five pledges are about making sure we keep Britain on track into economic recovery and that fairness is our driving force. We will protect vital frontline services like the police, schools, childcare and the NHS because we understand how important these services are to ordinary families across Hinckley and Bosworth.”

“There is a clear choice at this election between Cameron’s Tories who will bring in deep, savage and immediate cuts that would devastate services and wreck the recovery, or the Labour Party who will secure the recovery, protect frontline investment and raise family living standards.”

“On the doorsteps of Hinckley, Earl Shilton, Barwell and Markfield, and right across the constituency, people tell me they want public services protected and communities built on fairness. Labour is the only party offering a real solution and an ambitious vision for Britain. The Tories are a choice Bosworth can’t afford.”

For the full text of Gordon Brown’s speech see the Labour Party website:

Wednesday, March 24

Budget 2010: solid foundation for recovery based on growth and fairness

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth has welcomed Alistair Darling’s Budget Statement. Rory Palmer has described this year’s Budget as “setting a solid foundation for a recovery based on growth and fairness.”

The Budget sets out more help for families and businesses, building on the support put in place by the Labour Government to help people and businesses through the recession:

  • Spending will go up in 2010/11 and will not be cut to lock in the recovery
  • Businesses will be given longer to pay their tax bills
  • On jobs the Young Person’s Guarantee will be extended, to ensure that young people are guaranteed a job, training or work experience if they cannot find work within six months
  • Extra funding for investment in our transport infrastructure including new money for road repairs for those roads damaged in the recent cold weather
  • To help families and young people there will be a two year Stamp Duty holiday for first-time buyers on homes worth up to £250,000
  • From April 2010 there will be extra £100 payments into the Child Trust Fund for disabled children and £200 for severely disabled children
  • There will be a 2.5% increase in the Basic State Pension from April 2010, benefiting over 12 million pensioners across the country

Rory Palmer said:
“The Budget clearly sets out that families and businesses in Hinckley and Bosworth will have a fairer future with Labour. The Budget is about setting a solid foundation for recovery based on growth and fairness.”

“Jobs are crucial to the recovery and it would be a disaster to slam on the breaks and make massive cuts in public spending as proposed by the Conservatives. Labour will continue leading Britain into recovery, with a sensible plan to halve the deficit and to protect frontline services. The Conservatives will put this recovery at risk.”

“It is vital that frontline services are protected. Lifeline services like the NHS are vital and that’s why with Labour the frontline NHS budget will increase in line with inflation in 2011/12 and 2012/13. Frontline spending in schools will go up in real terms and spending on Sure Start will be maintained in line with inflation. These things matter to families I speak to across the constituency and I will always argue to protect investment in them.”

“Dignity and protection in old age has always been a priority for me. As your MP I will always speak up for the rights of pensioners and that’s why I am pleased to see the continuation of the extra payments on top of the Winter Fuel Payment. These payments are worth £100 to households with someone over-80, and £50 to households with someone over the female State Pension age. This money makes a real difference and Labour will always help our pensioners.”

“I am looking forward to discussing the Budget and what it means to local families and businesses in the coming days and weeks. I believe this Budget sets out a clear and bold plan for Britain’s economic recovery. The Conservatives are a real risk to this recovery, as we saw in the recession they oppose real government action to create jobs and drive growth.”

If you would like to ask Rory a question about this year's Budget or discuss with him how it will effect your family or business then please get in touch by e-mailing

For further information about the Budget see:

Sunday, March 21

My letter to the future

A Leicestershire Parliamentary Candidate has joined a campaign to protect our natural world by signing the Letter to the Future. Rory Palmer, Labour’s challenger in Bosworth, is supporting the campaign led by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

The letter calls for better investment in nature by politicians, urging them to consider our natural as well as our financial future when making decisions about how to tackle the country’s economic challenge.

The RPSB aims to gain tens of thousands of signatures to the letter before the next general election, showing the government that people care about nature as well as the economy and want to see it protected for the benefit of future generations.

A host of famous faces have already put pen to paper including Philppa Forrester, Bill Bryson and Mariella Frostrup. Rory Palmer has joined them, signing the letter to show his support for this important campaign.

Rory Palmer said:

“I am supporting the RSPB’s campaign because I want our children and grandchildren to be able to grow up in a world where they can appreciate tigers and sparrows, tropical rainforests and bluebell woods, a world worth living in.”

“As politicians we must all accept our responsibility to protect the natural world and safeguard it for future generations. Through effective policy-making we can stem the extinction of endangered species and protect vulnerable natural habitats. Locally in Bosworth we have some wonderful habitats and natural settings including Thornton Resevoir, Ambion Woods, Bosworth Battlefield and the Ashby Canal. These must be protected and as the local MP I will work to protect and enhance them.”

The RSPB’s Head of Sustainable Development, Martin Harper, added:

“The government faces tough economic decisions but these mustn’t be taken at the expense of the environment. We are calling on the government to recognise this and ensure future generations will be able to appreciate the natural world as we do. It’s vital that politicians support us in this campaign and we are very grateful to Rory Palmer for lending his support.”

Tuesday, March 16

Doing My Bit

Photo Credit- PhotoshotRory Palmer, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth, has pledged to do his bit for the British Armed Forces family.

Rory Palmer has signed the pledge which can be found on the Royal British Legion’s website:

The website features the British Legion’s general election manifesto, which sets out priorities for the next Government to improve conditions for Service Personnel and their families, the bereaved, veterans dependants.

Kevin Shinkwin, the Legion’s Head of Public Affairs, said:

“We’re really grateful to Rory Palmer for pledging to do his bit. The entire Armed Forces family needs the support of politicians from all parties, and our manifesto outlines practical ways the next government can help.”

Rory Palmer said:

“The Royal British Legion do a really important job and play a crucial role in highlighting the needs of the Armed Forces family. I have pledged to do my bit and I am pleased to be supporting the Legion’s campaign. I would encourage everyone to visit the website at

Photo credit: Photoshot

Thursday, March 11

Everyone can play their part to combat climate change

Rory Palmer, Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth is backing the 10:10 carbon reduction campaign.

The 10:10 campaign encourages people and organisations to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. As world leaders gather at the United Nations in New York to discuss the global fight against climate change, Rory Palmer is urging local people and businesses to play their part.

After signing up to the 10:10 campaign Rory Palmer said:

“Climate change is the most important and pressing global issue. Without reaching a new international settlement on carbon emissions we will struggle to achieve real justice for the worlds poor. We need to see decisive and courageous leadership from the world’s political leaders. I am pleased that Gordon Brown is the first leader to confirm that he will go to the Copenhagen summit in December to work on a new global climate change treaty.”

“However, tackling climate change demands action from us all in our everyday lives. Everyone can play their part. That’s why I am backing the 10:10 campaign and I would encourage people and organisations across Hinckley and Bosworth to sign up as well including the Borough Council and our parish councils, schools and businesses.”

The 10:10 campaign website is at:

Wednesday, March 10

No Smoking Day in Hinckley and Bosworth

No Smoking Day (10 March) is encouraging smokers in Bosworth to break free and kick the habit. In its 27th year, No Smoking Day is encouraging smokers to quit smoking, save thousands of pounds and take the opportunity to find out about help and support available.

Local parliamentary candidate Rory Palmer is supporting this year’s No Smoking Day campaign. Thousands of No Smoking Day events are taking place all over the UK. There will be customised Double-Decker Buses, ashtray amnesties, interactive stalls, dance displays and world record attempts. And many sports activities including local football clubs are getting involved. Stop smoking services, fire and rescue services, local councils, supermarkets, and many more are out and about to help and support smokers who are ready to break free!

Rory Palmer, Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Bosworth said:

“No Smoking Day is a fantastic campaign to help and support smokers who want to stop smoking. I’m encouraging smokers in Bosworth to break free on No Smoking Day and give up cigarettes for good. I would urge people to visit local stop smoking services for help and advice on how to stop smoking and increase your chances of success by up to four times.”

Duncan Bannatyne, No Smoking Day President, entrepreneur and Dragons’ Den star said:

“Quitting smoking isn’t always easy. Most of the nine million UK smokers say they’d like to quit, and many have tried to stop several times over the last year.

“If you’ve tried and failed a few times, it’s easy to give up hope. But you’ll find few ex-smokers that quit the habit on their first attempt. So pick yourself up, dust yourself down and believe that this time you really can do it!”

For more information about stopping smoking go to