Monday, January 18

My pledge to protect wildlife habitats

Rory Palmer, Labour’s candidate for Hinckley and Bosworth, has signed the pledge to help stop and reverse the decline in wildlife.

The pledge has been issued by wildlife organisations including the RSPB, the Woodland Trust, The Wildlife Trusts and the Butterfly Conservation Society.

Signing the pledge Rory Palmer said:
“Our wildlife habitats are very valuable and need to be protected for future generations. I will do all I can to protect them and enhance our natural habitats. It is also my view that we need to do more to raise awareness of these issues and to make sure young people and children can access natural habitats and see Britain’s wonderful wildlife.”

“There are some very important natural wildlife habitats in the Bosworth constituency such as Bosworth Country Park, the Ashby Canal and Thornton Reservoir. In the wider area we have Bradgate Park and the National Forest. These are all excellent local wildlife habitats which, if elected, I will do all I can to protect and improve.”

The full text of the Wildlife Pledge 2010 is below:

I pledge that if I am elected, I will do all I can to help stop and reverse the decline in wildlife.
I will work at all levels to encourage action to:

1. Return colour, life and vitality to the countryside by conserving threatened animals and plants, and restoring their habitats

2. Enable more people to enjoy wildlife close to where they live, and provide all children with contact with the natural world as part of their formal education

3. Reverse the decline of farmland wildlife by the effective promotion of nature-friendly farming

4. Increase the extent and active management of native woodlands for wildlife

5. Conserve and protect wildlife in our wetlands, around our coastline and in our seas

6. Tackle climate change, and restore and manage natural landscapes to help wildlife meet this challenge

7. Establish and provide strong protection for a robust network of important wildlife sites on land and at sea

8. Include space for wildlife in all newly built developments

9. Reduce our damaging impacts overseas by working to end the destruction of tropical rainforests and protecting the wildlife of the UK Overseas Territories
10. Stamp out wildlife crime in the UK.

If you would like to contact Rory about his commitment to wildlife habitats in the UK and to share your views, please click here.