Tuesday, October 20

Vote cruelty free!

Labour Party candidate, Rory Palmer, has pledged his support for Vote Cruelty Free, a new non-partisan coalition of animal protection organisations working to put animals on the political agenda.

The alliance has sent its manifesto to all candidates announced for the next General Election and asked them to show their support for the issues raised.

Rory Palmer said:
“I am supporting Vote Cruelty Free
because I am determined that animal
welfare needs to be kept on the
political agenda in the run up to the
General Election and beyond.There are no excuses for animal cruelty.”

A Vote Cruelty Free spokesperson said, “Animal protection is an issue close to the UK public’s heart but this is often not reflected in current political debate. It is fantastic that Rory Palmer has shown he believes in animal protection issues as much as his potential future constituents in Bosworth; we are calling on all candidates to follow his lead by pledging their support for Vote Cruelty Free.”

Vote Cruelty Free comprises the BUAV, Compassion in World Farming, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and Respect for Animals. It covers a broad range of animal welfare issues including wild and marine animals, animal experimentation, cruel sports, the fur trade and farming.

Vote Cruelty Free is urging all candidates to pledge their support for the initiative. Voters can track candidates who have signed up by visiting the website at www.votecrueltyfree.org.